Having been alive for 61 years, there has been several versions of me remembered by a lot of people. The first version was a cute little cheeky lad that could get away with murder and often tried the patience of my incredible mother and every adult that knew me. I think as a kid I was so lucky to have survived the unforgiving streets of Liverpool in the fifties, sixties and seventies. As a boy soldier, then soldier in the army I suppose I will be remembered as a decent mate, nothing special but an OK guy. There are some who probably remember the guy that lived in Yorkshire and worked in textile printing at Albert Hartley’s, he was the scouser that was a really young supervisor on the night shift, oh yes and he won a Superstars competition. There are ex girlfriends that might remember me as, hmmm, not sure really. There are probably quite a few people that remember me in hopefully a positive way as an OK skydive that often went for a run or ride on his mountain bike on Sunday mornings if there was no jumping. People will remember the English guy that worked for Dr Huggins in Colorado Springs, a good go between for the great man. More recently there are doctors and nurses and delivery men from Sainsbury’s that remember me as the guy with MS at flat 3.
Well I am not any one of those people, I’m all of them, I was young and flirty with the women, I was the guy that played rugby, I was a soldier, I was a computer salesman that worked in London, I was the Client Service Director for Dr Huggins and yes I do have MS but like every phase of my life, it’s all temporary, at this time I have MS, but MS doesn’t have me. If there is a definition of me it will be “The scouser that beat MS”.
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