Misleading lies…
As people are finally starting to realise that the majority of foods sold these days have been processed or ultra-processed, it should make people think and not just buy impulsively. What that genuinely means is that the manufacturer has added multiple things, things… meaning additives and preservatives that basically excite the tastebuds and lengthen the shelf life. Yes, of course, whenever something you put into your mouth tastes good, you want more, but when the taste enhancers such as mono sodium glutamate or MSG.. actually has a detrimental effect on your body, don’t you realise that it’s not good.
A buzzword going around now is ” Bio-available,” which makes a lot of people think it is very important.
Let me explain something, if you have a car that has run out of petrol, so the engine is dead, sitting a few feet away is a 5 gallon can full of petrol…
Yes, the 3 star petrol is Bio-available available, but only if it’s in the car and the key is turned to start the engine.
So unless it’s put in and the engine started, it’s useless. Of course, your participation is required.
What’s more advisable is that it can be absorbed and metabolised.
Being Bio-available just means that a significant part of it is usable, but only with additional help.
Then we have the farcical crap regarding “wholegrain” foods such as brown bread or wholegraain rice.
Good fot you…. right?
It would take too long and bore the life out of you if I explain in detail, which I could, but won’t..
Brown bread, wholegrain rice and red peppers to name a few, have a bacteria called “Lectins”.. these bacteria have jagged spikes protruding out. These can, not always, but can tear holes in the large and small intestine, which enables partly broken down particles to be absorbed by the hemoglobin in the red blood cell to be transported and deposited in various organs, preventing the organ from functioning correctly, this can create the start of an illness or serious disease.
Conclusion: Don’t believe the misleading lies..