Not guilty..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

.Don’t shoot the messenger.

Over the last 10 or 15 years, the advertising industry in general has financially boomed, obviously the proliferation of TV channels and computer  based apps such as Facebook and X… it still seems weird saying X and not Twitter, anyway, back to my point.
The pharmaceutical giants used the media to showcase their latest money spinner, oops maybe I should be more politically correct, and refer to them as medicines,although that in itself is incorrect. They are addictive drugs that address a symptom, nothing more.
It’s quite sickening to watch TV and see a person suffering from a health issue, then grabbing a bottle of pills, then finding great relief moments after swallowing it. It’s a regular  occurrence now to see this happen. It just shocks me to think why it is that 99.9% of people just accept it as normal.
So think about it…. how can a pharmaceutical drug almost instantly relieve the pain or anxiety from a serious health problem as soon as its swallowed?
The fact… yes, fact.. is that it does diddly squat to the cause of the issue, all its doing is stopping the message, the signal from the part of your body from reaching your brain, its relatively easy,  for the drug which has been made to cross the blood brain barrier, so downing the pill makes you psychologically think you see OK.
But what most people don’t realise is that providing a very temporary fix actually makes the diseased area more difficult to correct in the long term. So from big pharma’s  view its great as they are just increasing their customer base.
If you’d genuinely like to know more, then search my name Stefan Cairns on Amazon…

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