It’s all connected..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

It’s all connected…

It’s not… but it is..

I’m referring to the human body and the way it works or doesn’t in a lot of people.
The title is “It’s all connected. “…
I’ll try to explain and make this as understandable as possible to the majority of people.
The body as a whole, an extremely complex organism, is made up of cells, 10 trillion give or take a billion.. the digestive tract, the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, gall bladder, bowel, and rectum is possibly over 100 trillion cells. So I’m sure you can appreciate that the microbiom, the microbes, bacteria, and fungi play a HUGE part in the functionality and efficacy of our organs.
Every one of the trillions of cells vibrates at a certain frequency, depending on where it is and the job it was designed to do.
Over the last 50 or 60 years, the things we put into our bodies have changed significantly. The human body is approximately 2,500 yrs old in its current form.
Every cell is fed by probiotics, which are assisted by prebiotics to provide the necessary fuel.

Fuel? comes to every organ and cell in the body by way of oxygen, oxyhemeglonin in the haemoglobin within the red blood cells, the RBC is formed by a variety of processes which include but not limited to the correct form of vitamin b12.. Cobalamin comes in four varieties, most common and readily absorbed is methylcobalamin, obtained from meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.

The more I write, the more I realise that it will be extremely difficult to refrain from a more complex explanation.
Please forgive me.

Insects and some animals have adapted to changes in the environment, be it land or sea.

Why haven’t humans adapted to the massive changes in foodstuff.
Insects, animals, and plants have adapted by consuming nutritious food from the earth, not the processed, adulterated syntheticoaded with drugs, preservatives, and taste enhancers… making it addictive.
Since the 60s and 70s? The ultra-processed things masquerading as foods have little or no nutrition, meaning the organs in our body are desperately looking for nutrition, but all they’re finding is addictive toxic synthetic components
Making it impossible to function correctly.
Don’t blame anyone else. It’s your choice…
Your body is made up of what YOU put into it.

It’s not rocket science!!!

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