Proud to know him.

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The years of being an advocate of nutrient-rich foods helping to enhance health and fitness in general helped Stefan in numerous ways to accomplish several challenges in his life.
I’m sure that his single-minded focus in this area restricted his involvement in what was perceived by his family and peers to be a “normal life” although Stefan was anything but “normal”.
To the majority of people, jumping out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft would definitely not appear to be a good thing to do, but to Stefan, who successfully completed more than 800 skydives it was exhilarating.
The excitement junkie attitude progressed onto SCUBA diving and then qualifying as a pilot in only 43 hours, I point this out because the national average time to do this in the USA was 75 hours.
In 2002 he permanently moved to live and work in Colorado where he met and was employed as the Client service director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry, Dr.Hal Huggins.
Because Stefan had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2004, but had never taken any pharmaceutical drugs, the horrid debilitating disease was eventually becoming too difficult for him to continue in his demanding role.
Stefan returned to England in November 2012, it was eighteen months later that the boredom of not working became too much to cope with after such a mentally demanding time dealing with patients and staff while in Colorado. I believe that because he had initially enrolled at Denver University to take a B.A. in Nutrition and Health, but had to leave because of his health, he desperately needed to continue what he’d started five years previously. My understanding is that he was able to complete a PhD. as a mature, remote student. Nearly nine years later, Stefan qualified, “Summa Cum Laude”, with honours.
At this time I believe he’s written and published five books, and is in the middle of his sixth.

I’ve known Stefan for many years and am proud to say that it’s been a pleasure being part of his life.

Dr.Mike S. B.a. PhD DDS

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