But … Because…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

But!!! …Because!!!…

Over the years since originally being diagnosed with this horrendous disease… multiple sclerosis, I’ve tried at least fifty different “things”that professed amazing results. Most, as I’m sure you know we’re nothing more than “snake oils ” that drained my rapidly diminishing bank balance.
The nutrional beverage called XanGo was different and certainly helped… I say and emphasized “Helped”, it didn’t cure or heal me, but it helped significantly.
However, it was the Ann Boroch Protocol that healed my body…
No one!!! No one… not Ann… R.I.P.
Not the wonderful Janet, not Martha and definitely not me benefit financially in any way, shape, or form by helping or encouraging others to follow the ABP.
Now, please understand that the protocol isn’t a “one size fits all” method of healing the body of the damage done by having MS for several years.
It would be misleading to say or infer that.
There are approximately 2.3 million sufferers currently, so, following the protocol is extremely important, although there has to be minor modifications, yes, minor modifications, not radical changes, the basis of the ABP has been successful 10,000 times, give or take.
Everyones individual circumstances are different, where we live, the foods we’ve eaten, our support network, and hundreds of other things.
I’m personally pushing myself physically, much more than I believe most others could do, I’m not unique or special, but I know I’m different.
I’m in a rise and recliner chair, not a bed, because it’s easier to do the exercise I need to do to rebuild muscle in my legs.
The ABP is not rocket science, and it’s not difficult to follow, it’s the individual things, specific to me and you, that are hard.
But they’re done, because we know they work…

Every donation, regardless how small is always very much appreciated, thank you 😊

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