You’ve got to…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

You’ve got to…

I honestly believe in the Ann Boroch Protocol as the basis of healing the body of multiple sclerosis even though the medical fraternity all say that the disease is incurable.
I’m looking at it a little more closely, and the classification given to it by big pharma, they say… that its incurable, but what they are really saying, is that from their point of view, it’s far more lucrative to say that they can’t find a way of beating it, but the have created drugs that simply ease one or two of the “multiple” symptoms which will make “MS” more bearable for the sufferer, while lining their own pockets with lots of cash.
I said at the start that I genuinely believe that the ABP is the basis of healing your body of multiple sclerosis.
So am I saying that you have to buy something else or try another protocol..NO.
But what I am saying is by just buying a new car or a first class ticket on a train or plane doesn’t get you from A to B..
What gets you there is You either driving the car or You getting to and from the station or airport.
The protocol, the car, the train or plan, are just methods, it’s your interaction with them that makes it happen.
You !!! Yes You have to make the commitment to make it happen.
You don’t just buy the car or the ticket and amazingly just arrive at your desired destination.
You’ve got to do your part, it will work as you want, but please understand that…
You’ve got to TRY…

Please understand that every donation, regardless how small is always very much appreciated 🙏 thank you.

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