I can and…
Every day is a challenge for most people, but even more so when you have one of the many “so-called incurable diseases” in my particular case, it’s multiple sclerosis.
Now I said “so called incurable diseases.” Because in my opinion most are not incurable, it’s just that the pariahs known a big pharma make billions in profit every year by glamourising their supposed efforts to find a cure and they use very clever advertising to make the uninformed public think they are, when in reality that’s never going to happen.
It’s a sad state of affairs when the genuine medical professionals are hampered by the giants that are happy to revel in extortionate profits at the expense of people who are dying.
You only have to look at one of the many true health pioneers, Ann Boroch who completely healed her body after she had been diagnosed with the same hideous disease I was told I had, multiple sclerosis.
Where’s Ann know? years after she healed herself, as have thousands of others that followed her protocol. Many of us know the truth, in that her life was taken by those that would rather gain lifelong customers.
I’ll not be specific, but I’m sure you can work it out yourself.
As far as I’m concerned from an MS standpoint, because of the ABP, that’s history, a fall because of my own overconfidence and the massive backlog in operations through the pandemic has kept me bedbound, but I’m 100% committed to repairing my leg damage and ĺiving again rather than existing.
Anyone who knows me will genuinely know that I can, and I will…