I was told, as 99% of other sufferers that I had multiple sclerosis which in the eyes of just about every conventional medical professional was an incurable disease.
In reality, an incurable disease is a disease that the medical professionals by way of the pharmaceutical industry say is incurable, or that they: big pharma haven’t found a drug that can fix it.
In reality, they aren’t and never have looked for a definitive way of genuinely healing any illness, let alone MS.
So, your choices are, according to them, to take the prescribed drugs that can ease one of the many symptoms.
What they don’t tell you is what the problem is or the scientifically proven side effects of the drugs that they, medical professionals that are supposedly looking out for your health.
Everyone knows what multiple means, so the sclerosis part?
According to Google;
Sclerosis: pathological hardening of tissue, especially from overgrowth of fibrous tissue or increase in interstitial tissue. also : a disease characterized by sclerosis. : an inability or reluctance to adapt or compromise.
My understanding of what was told to me by numerous neurologists is that an auto immune disease is basically a disease that the immune system is confused and in trying to protect you is attacking itself..
As I said, the NHS and every other conventional medical practice will only ever consider a form of treatment that is recommended by the pharmaceutical giants who in reality are not interested in anything but increasing their customer base and profits.
So after being diagnosed with MS, your genuine choices are to take the Dmd’s which as far as true health is concerned will do bugger all to help, or look for a genuine way of healing the body… Notice I said healing the body… the Ann Boroch Protocol will do that,and not trying to cure MS, because the real problems have been caused by yeast, mould, gluten, dairy, and sugar.
These have exacerbated the rapid growth of Candida, which is the…
True problem…