When followed…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

When followed…

Being sick, especially having one of the so-called incurable diseases, is extremely frustrating and painful, especially when prior to the illness you were a very active person, actually it’s horrible for anyone regardless of their previous level of fitness.
But what does “incurable” mean, well it means that the pharmaceutical companies haven’t found a drug that will cure the problem, not that they’ve actually been trying to cure anything, what big pharma do is spend millions on developing drugs that are basically putting a “bandaid” on the problem, that way they create and keep an ever growing line of customers and disgusting profits.

The strange thing is, is that doctors and drugs don’t cure anything. Yes, when someone is admitted to the hospital for “trauma” such as a fall or car accident, they reset bones, etc, and give anti-life pills. Oops, sorry, I used the English translation of anti-biotic, but they aren’t mending the bone, Yes, they re connect the broken end’s, but it is still broken…
It’s the body healing itself as it was originally designed to cć takes a little time, but it heals it.

In my humble opinion, we should all help ourselves to heal naturally, which is exactly what Ann Boroch did when she healed herself of multiple sclerosis, which I say again is another of the so-called incurable diseases.
The protocol is not rocket science, she painstakingly tried and failed on numerous occasions, and eventually developed a protocol that, when followed exactly,
WILL HEAL the body.

Any act of kindness, regardless how small is always appreciated, than you.

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