Giving in to…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Giving in to…

I firmly believe that our lives are dictated by the choices we make, every individual is faced with literally thousands of choices to make every day. The majority are “just done” as they are as basic as “should I get up today” or what underwear to wear today”. So they are not necessarily seen as important, but they are choices nevertheless.

I know so many choices throughout our lives are made by the simple decision of “do I like the taste”, but the foods we eat more often than not especially as we enter our adult life tend to need a little more thought especially if they contain large amounts of sugar, dairy or gluten.

I’m a strong believer in “positivity”, I am seriously affected by negativity. I seem to have no choice in the matter when faced with stressful or overwhelming situations so I make an effort to not allow negativity in my life. Some people think of themselves as “realists” but to me it’s just pessimism which I have no time for.

As each day presents a more stressful challenge for me as is the case for everyone inflicted by a life threatening disease. My choice is to be optimistic, I want a better life than the one forced on me by having this disease, so when I first heard of the Ann Boroch Protocol I decided that I would absolutely do it and not just sulk and be full of “woe is me, or things can only get worse”.

I made the choice to not accept the depressing option of “this is as good as it gets”. No, my choice is that I will be healthy again and I will lead an active life by sticking with this proven method of “Healing the body”.

As the song by Richard Ashcroft states..
Drugs don’t work.

Yes I know the meaning in the song is completely different to what I’m referring to, but the fact works for me.

Multiple Sclerosis is exactly what the drug pushers say, its incurable, but thats not what Ann Boroch set out to do. She healed her body by eliminating the nutrionless foodstuffs we have all burdened our bodies with.

The sad fact is that in the last 50 or 60 years, the medical professionals who we’ve always respected have changed their medical approach from “Curing” to addressing one of the many symptoms caused by a health condition. These people aren’t to blame, its the profiteering pharmaceutical giants who’ve brainwashed them into using drugs.

The body is an amazing thing and will rebuild and heal itself in time with a little help. If healing yourself is important enough, then following the protocol is going to be far easier than giving in to your taste buds…

After 11 years of having my blog it has become a little difficult as I'm now a disabled pensioner, please consider donating whatever you can afford, my gratitude and thanks.

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