It’s not about…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

It’s not about…

In my previous post, I talked about the world today being very different from the world I was born and grew up in.
From a technological standpoint, even the general understanding of mankind is so much more advanced than it was only 30 years ago.
Nowadays even an, 8, 9 or 10 yr old seems to have a far better understanding of anything computerised, smartphones and laptops are “De rigueur” as far as kids are concerned.
When you look at transport in general, it’s no longer an “Around the world in 80 days” adventure, its a “be with you in a few hours” flight even when the journey means travelling half way around the world.
Knowing this, then, why is it that health in general takes a backseat when it comes to priorities and “mans” acceptance.
When I say “mankind” I’m not just referring to men as such, it’s humans, men, women and children.
Come to think about it, it’s probably kids that cause more problems as most are growing up in this world of a million options.
So getting to my point, “Health” seems to be a dirty word these days, it used to be that mankind ate foods to stay alive… whereas now people eat things that look or taste good regardless of it harming their body.
In the UK, recorded government statistics show that roughly 26% of 10 and 11 yr olds are obese and a similar amount of adults.
Why is that I wonder? …
Maybe it’s because food manufacturers have discovered the incredible power of advertising.
It’s strange how foods designed for cats and dogs are always advertised focusing on the nutrional value and how eating this will enable your cat or dog live a much healthier and happier life. But that’s very rarely mentioned when it comes to stuff masquerading as food.
As I said, because of the power of adverting, the sharks and pariahs will heavily promote a side effect riddled drug that simply masks a symptom of a health issue that in reality has been created because of consuming other other heavily promoted processed junk.
The powers that be, advertising giants need to be more concerned about true health, not drug induced longevity of people in pain both physically and emotionally.
What will help mankind is instead of promoting things that look and taste nice is to educate people, so people understand that just making your tastebuds happy and your stomach full isn’t the most important thing.
It’s not about filling yourself with junk food, understand that when your tummy is rumbling.

It’s actually crying out for nutrition…

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