But …. what if…
Over the past fifteen years, I’ve written for my personal blog which is:
www.ratherbehealthy.com and for a couple of groups on Facebook, I’ve had two books self-published on Amazon, one called : Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health… and the other which was intended to be the first in a group of four until the law firm representing certain publishers threatened me with legal action, the book is called:
The ABP, year one of four.
I was the Client Service Director for Dr Hal Huggins who was the World’s leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing for 4 years.
I met with Dr Thomas E Levy a couple of times and spent hours discussing some amazing things he’d worked on, not only was he a lawyer and Oncologist but also an incredible medical researcher.
My first book was primarily about some things I’d learned from them.
The second book, as the title indicates was about my first year following the Ann Boroch Protocol.
Now obviously I don’t know as much as the late Ann Boroch R.I.P. or Janet Orchard who is continuing to promote Ann’s work, but I am reasonably knowledgeable about her work.
So my comments on the Facebook groups and my blog are about topics I feel will benefit others I’ve nothing to gain by sharing, I’ve no hidden agenda, I simply want to help, unlike Big Pharma, the pariahs spreading blatant lies and growing their customer base to expand the disgusting profits generated by side effect laden drugs.
You probably look at me Stefan Cairns not even a doctor and compare what I’m saying against the billion-dollar giants and just dismiss my words, but…
What if I’m right!!!】