But I’ll never…
It’s really weird how things change and what was the perfectly natural ways in a particular industry have changed so much so because of organisations that are only interested in profit.
A couple of days ago I wrote about how diseases…. not just mild sicknesses but deadly diseases have been created. Yes you have read that correctly…. a great many diseases have been purposely created by the pharmaceutical giants who at the same time are investing millions on drugs that treat one of the many symptoms of the horrendous disease.
They promote themselves as a caring and considerate giant when in reality they are manipulative money-grabbing pariahs.
About ten years ago an ex big pharma worker, a whistleblower released an inter-company memo from an annual big pharma meeting being held in Las Vegas stating that by 2025 they intended to have every one of the 330 million US population to be taking at least one prescription or Otc drug.
She also released information relating to both my claims.
As far as I’m concerned the advertising industry is as much to blame as the “shitbags” making the addictive side effect-laden drugs.
It’s become perfectly normal now to believe we are lucky to make it through life and not get Cancer or MS, ME or MND or one of the other 20 supposedly incurable diseases.
Disease… all Diseases non of them are incurable!!! It’s just that the pharmaceutical pariahs have chosen to not find a cure.
Going back to the start of this article and foods..
Fifty years ago all crops, fruit and vegetables were grown naturally with nothing unnatural sprayed on them but now it’s considered weird to only want organic foods. Okay there wouldn’t be as many crops harvested but on the positive side there wouldn’t be as many sick people.
Drugs treat symptoms, symptoms of a disease created by the pharmaceutical giants whose efforts are lining their pockets while making more and more customers.
They spend millions on advertising and government lobbying to ensure that the most influential never genuinely understand what’s happening.
Foods grown, processed and contaminated with toxic additives are one of the initial steps to creating a never-ending supply of customers who are then told that they will forever take a drug.
I know I’m saying things that will upset many unfortunate victims of these unconscionable people but its true.
I know I’m fighting s losing battle, but.
I’ll never stop trying…