Healthier life…

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Not a quick fix…Sadly, one of the most successful businesses are the Advertising companies,they don’t need to know anything at all about the consequences of buying a particular product, they just need to produce an advert, be it for radio, magazines, the Internet or TV.What does this have to do with me? Nothing really, but it does make a huge difference to people in general and those suffering from a health condition.Advertisers promote a drug produced by pharmaceutical companies, and the uninformed masses see themas solutions to their problems and start taking the drug, masquerading as medicine and becoming addicted to them. Be it simple problems like a common cold or a more serious disease, big pharma has just increased its customer base.Think about it… even the basic Lemsip drinks are just hot lemon and paracetamol, they make you feel good temporarily.The fact is all “Drugs” prescribed or over the counter are designed to simply treat a symptom, nothing more, so you temporarily feel good and buy more.An analogy I often use is this:You come home and see water spilling out over the sink and the kitchen is flooded.Their recommendation is to mop up the water with lots of towels etc.My solution is to turn the tap off, pull the plug out of the sink, then mop up the water..In other words, address the Cause of the problem first then fix the symptoms.I know that taking a pill is easier and psychologically makes you feel better very quickly, but its only temporary, the actual cause is still there and will raise its ugly head again but graduĺy getting worse requiring stronger, more damaging drugs to make you feel as you did. It’s a never-ending circle, or as big pharma see it, a feeding of a cash cow.In this day and age its become normal to expect things to be done quickly and easily, most people have no patience when it comes to coping with pain, they want it fixed or relieved sooner rather than later. This is a big advantage as far as Big pharma is concerned, their products just block the signal to the brainThe human body is an incredible thing, when one of its senses perceives a problem, a signal is sent to the brain, telling you that what you are doing or have done isn’t good for You.The pain is your body’s way of indicating that you need to stop, change or address the Cause.What drugs do is simply prevent your brain from recognising the issue, it’s not stopping the problem, it’s just lying to you. Making you temporarily think you’re okay when it’s enabling the fire to burn more freely.Imagine your neighbour playing their music really loudYou just turn your TV up louder, okay for a few minutes until it gets louder and goes on right through the night, so you put head phones on, yes okay a temporary fix, surely it’s best to get your neighbour to turn the volume down.Okay, ranting over, I’m hoping you can relate this to having MS. Don’t go along with the naysayers and drug pushers, they aren’t interested in healing your damaged body, they just want another lifelong customer.Thousands like me have followed the advice and guidance of Janet Orchard in choosing to adapt to a lifestyle change called the Ann Boroch Protocol.We all know it’s not a quick fix but a four or five-year journey to a healthier life…

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