Not the way…
Looking back on 2022 and my own personal condition in general, before I was diagnosed with this hideous life sucking disease. I had been a very physically active man, Skydiving, Hang gliding, Scuba diving, Mountain biking, Rock climbing and I was a qualified pilot. As you can imagine my life changed dramatically so much so that I’m now very limited in every aspect of my life.The official diagnosis happened two years after I’d moved to the USA and got married, I’d been hoping that the move would be a way of making my life even better than it had been in the first 47 years. At the time I was working in the computer software industry as a senior account manager selling a tool tracking and Asset management application which in all honesty was a very lucrative business.I suppose in some ways it could be looked on as a terrible thing, a tragedy, I mean why oh why could it be seen as fair to have a physically active and successful man struck down with such a debilitating disease instead of someone who was a couch potato or a hardened criminal.Of course upon initial diagnosis I could only see the negatives and adopted the “Woe is me” attitude, but that only lasted a day or two until I set about proving them all wrong. As I’ve previously said I tried and tried to find a cure or at least a way of minimising the symptoms so I could lead a near-normal life. After trying at least fifty different unctions, tablets and therapies and spending a lot of money, I started the truly life changing Ann Boroch ProtocolSo looking back on the “Woe is me” attitude and what I initially perceived as such an unfair tragedy, I don’t see it that way anymore, I think what an incredibly lucky man I am, I’ve done more in the first half, yes “half” of my life than the majority ever get to do during the whole of their disease-free life. I’ve been lucky to have the ‘Never give up” attitude and have been blessed to have been shown what I believe to be one of the many ways to beat a so-called incurable disease which in reality makes me a very happy man.Being told that you have a “Disease”, especially one that the profiteering pharmaceutical giants only want to make money out of, isn’t the end for you.You’ve found this amazing group, Janet, Martha and myself, will guide and encourage you, believe in yourself and stay focused. It’s a long journey, but its well worth the effort, the bell is waiting to be rung…