One day…
Several years ago I read an article and then spoke to the writer as I was personally very intrigued. He went on to explain in depth of the misunderstood problem of Kidney Stones. It is generally understood by the everyday person, and medical professionals that a person can have a few kidney stones and may be able to remove them with the help of certain drugs, I say DRUGS because that’s what they are..Pharmaceutical drugs that often cause more problems than what they were originally intended to fix…
What he has proven is that a person can have as many as one hundred kidney stones varying in size from as small as a garden pea to as large as a golf ball.
So the so called professionals… Hah!!! tell you that this is going to be a difficult problem to fix and likely take weeks or months to fix and possibly be a lifelong issue…
Consider this..
What if you ignore the nay sayers and were able to fix… genuinely fix the problem painlessly and naturally in two days!!
Sound too good to be true, well its not too good to be true, and I know this for a fact because firstly I’ve done it myself and I’ve helped numerous others do the same.
My recommendation is to prepare what you need in advance, explain to those around you what you are going to do, this works when done properly, not half heartedly or nearly right but exactly as I explain.
Buy two litres of unsweetened apple juice… that’s it..
Pick a two day period that works for you, weekends are good.
The day before you are going to start you should Fast for 24 hrs, water is fine but No Food..
So if you have chosen the weekend, Fast on Friday, then Saturday you drink the two litres of unsweetened applejuice. I personally had 1 large glass of the juice 4 times during the day, the last one about 7.p.m.
Then Sunday morning initially have only water, the likelihood is that the stones, lots of them will be excreted in your fecal matter several times during the day.
I personally didn’t eat until late in the day and that was only a snack.
I know its not in accordance with the ABP but its,
One day of non compliance.