Because I’m trying…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Because I’m trying…

In life there are three types of people, we’ve all met everyone of them, and they all consider that their way of thinking is right.
If there was a glass that could hold 400ml of water but only had 200ml in it, the three “types” would see it very differently, one would say “oh crap, it’s half empty”… that’s the pessimist…

Then there’s the one that says ” oh well, now there’s only one big drink left… I’ll just have a few little sips and that’s it… the realist.

Then there’s the one that says “”this is great, I’ve had a big slurp and I’ve still got a half glass full, and I know I’ll be able to refill it although I’m not sure how at this time”.. the optimist.

Now as I said they all think that their view is the right one to have, but in my opinion two of them are wrong, the pessimist thinks that they are Realists.
The realists are really Pessimists..
Whereas the optimist.. me… doesn’t accept the negativity of either of the other two.

When shit happens in life, you can either just say oh crap, things are bad and now it’s getting worse or you can say, okay it’s not ideal but I’ll find a way to make things better.

It’s strange how we all take great pleasure in watching Neo in The Matrix fighting against Agent Smith and avoiding the Sentinels… or John McClane whupping the ass of the terrorists in Die Hard.
But when faced with major problems, some people are so quick to adopt there’s no point in trying attitude of the two afore mentioned types.

I’m definitely an optimist, things might appear unbeatable or incurable when it comes to a disease like the one I have, but I have to keep looking, I have to keep trying.
Why, when 99.9% say its impossible.
Because I’m trying to save my life…

One Response to “Because I’m trying…”

  1. pointers Says:

    A fascinating discussion is worth comment. There’s no doubt that that you ought to publish more on this subject, it might not be a taboo matter but generally people do not speak about these subjects. To the next! Cheers!!