Everyone gets knocked down…

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Everyone gets knocked down…

I was diagnosed with one of the so called “incurables” back in February of 2004, only 2 years previously I’d moved from England, got married, to an American woman, was working in the computer s/w industry and taken out a massive mortgage on a far too big for two and my wife’s cats house in Castle Rock in the beautiful state of Colorado.
As you can imagine, the news cut me to the bone, prior to my attempted sleep and during the many waking hours I genuinely felt like swallowing a bottle full of sleeping pills and downing them with a quart of Jack Daniels.. That didn’t happen of course and when I finally came to my senses as the sun shine highlighted the incredible Rocky Mountains a few miles away I changed my attitude from “oh poor me” to “okay, time to kick butt” and search for a genuine answer, a tough job knowing the pharmaceutical giants said they’d already tried to no avail.
I think having the attitude inherited from my mum, R.I.P. who’d survived every atrocity inflicted on her during WW11 that I’ve been able to cope with the many, many disappointments incurred while attempting therapy after therapy after operation that didn’t work.
I must admit that I was so close to giving up before being told about Ann Boroch and her amazing protocol.
I am over four years into the ABP and if it wasn’t for the horrendously painful accident which has seriously damaged my knees, taken the majority of my leg strength and has kept me in bed for 25 months, I’m as weak generally as a drunken pensioner…. oh yes I am a pensioner, not touched any alcohol since a glass of wine at Sunday lunch 5 years ago but yes very weak in comparison to my former self.
Over the years, the experience and knowledge I’ve gained through various sports and work I’ve realised that doing anything in life, especially something more than a little challenging can be tough, in fact not just tough but damn hard and demoralising, but if the end result is what you really want, then getting knocked down is always a possibility but as the boxing coach said, everyone gets knocked down, but it’s…
Winners that get back up…

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