It freaking…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

It freaking…

In my own personal opinion I have to say that I’ve always had an inquisitive mind, I tend to not just take the answer of, “well that’s how it’s always been, so it must be right”…
There are so many things in life that we learn as children that are just so!!!
we don’t ask why because people…politicians, doctors, scientists and others that are supposedly more intelligent or qualified or just know because it’s their business not ours.
In the main I can see the logic behind that attitude, but from a health standpoint another party comes into play, one with a hidden agenda…
Who could that be I wonder?
Who could possibly be willing to hide the truth simply on the basis of it makes massively more profit for them..
Surely an organisation wouldn’t hide information from the public knowing it would seriously damage the innocent uninformed masses.
Sadly there are such companies, they also spend millions on professing that they themselves are working tirelessly to help….not true!!!
Okay you’ve guessed it…
Big pharma as the collective pharmaceutical companies are known have no interest whatsoever in actually curing a disease or any illness… why would they? They simply make drugs that help pacify a symptom of an illness.
That way they are seen as “the good guys” helping mankind. But in reality what they are really doing is building and perpetuating their own customer base.
When I was originally diagnosed with MS back in February of 2004, as I’ve said before, I refused to accept it was incurable and refused to take any symptom treating drug. Instead I set about trying to find answers, unlike Big pharma or research companies I didn’t have access to special facilities, so I used myself as a guinea-pig. I worked full time for 8 years after diagnosis until 2013 when I returned to England after 11 years in the USA.
Five years later and after multiple attempts of trying I heard about the ABP and started on this life changing protocol.
It not an easy thing to do, how could it be, those lying, manipulating, money grabbing #@$%holes have conned the medical professionals into believing it’s incurable so a simple lifestyle change must have its difficulties..
Yes it does, but regardless of that and the four or five years it takes..
It freaking works…

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