
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized


Making the decision to either just accept you have a disease that the world of medicine consider incurable, or to follow a proven dietary protocol that eliminates the problematic components that are creating the disease in my opinion has to be made. Now, I’m not saying that the decision is an easy one to make, nor is it easy to adhere to, it’s only natural to have doubts especially knowing that every doctor, neurologist and all family and friends will be convinced its impossible. But the facts speak for themselves, it works, it does take four, or five or six years to eventually remove all the toxic effects and symptoms that certain foods have caused resulting in disese. Is following the protocol an easy thing to do? No it’s not but think about it, completely changing your lifestyle can be painful, it takes focus and determination, so do you have to be strong to go through pain? No but you do have to go through some pain to become strong once again…

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