I think it’s very important when considering situations to try and put everything into perspective, I mean that different people have differing desires and circumstances. The man with billions of £’s or $’s travelling into outer space wouldn’t be impressed with “getting out of bed”…
But the achievement is no less fantastic to “little old me”…
On Sunday morning I wrote that at the “butt crack of dawn” I’d swung my legs out of bed, fixed my scrumpled pillow then stood, well tried to thirty times and managed to get back into bed….. easily.
I actually did a little better on both Monday and Tuesday, so as I’m sure you can imagine I was very pleased with myself.
I slept very badly last night, it was very “close”, hot humid and very debilitating for me and the others with this freaking shitty disease, “excuse me”… so when I decided to start my day with the first of six catheters I wasn’t very optimistic.
But… I got my legs out of bed, squidged my feet into the carpet a few times which was actually a great feeling. Then I started pushing down on the bed assisting my legs to straighten. Not only did I manage to “stand” 45 times over a 5 minute period but I was able to get my back straight and steady myself touching the wall. So Sunday was a first in 16.5 months, Monday and Tuesdays efforts were both improvements and today, Wednesday was a significant step forward, should I be more excited and optimistic for the future, but, in reality this is the biggest improvement I’ve had in a long time, “What do you think?” …