Oh really…
Only two hundred years ago it was deemed perfectly acceptable for a surgeon, a highly educated and qualified man to go from one operation to another without sterilising, not even cleaning the scalpel or his hands before moving on to the next patient. Was he stupid?… No… its just what the medical professional knew at that time… (very relevant)….
Ann Boroch in her mid twenties researched and attempted, successfully to heal her body of what was perceived as an incurable disease…
At that time the thought of nutrition being an integral component in the quest to heal was totally disregarded and to an extent laughed at….food was food..or at least that’s what they believed.
My point…. what we and doctors, scientists, PhD’s… the medical world in general think they know, they aren’t stupid or ignorant, we just don’t know everything….Yet!!!!
Have you considered …?
Oh really!!!
Let me just think about that…