I’m torn…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Back in the Nineties people in general.were reasonably switched on, but technology was advancing and surprising most, to the point of almost incredulity, but looking back now, what was accepted then as “cutting edge” appears relatively basic.
So the electronics industry is a world away now in relation to then.

Where am I going with this?
Okay, our understanding, our belief in foods, that misunderstood and often disregarded term “nutrition” … then and now are very, very different.
I am in a very difficult position because of what’s happening to me and what I thought I knew.
Firstly I must state with absolute certainty that the ABP works and that is a fact..
However I’ve had a bad 16 months because of a fall, I seriously damaged my knees which forced me to stay in bed. Damage to ligament, cartilage and tendon is not easily repaired as blood doesn’t actually flow in any of them, so being in bed as I’m sure you can imagine has resulted in significant muscle atrophy, in other words my thighs are nigh on useless.
So the progress I would have made on the ABP just didn’t happen, I’ll make this clear… that wasnt because of the protocol, it was simply the fact I couldn’t get out of bed to move around etc.
Now as is well known I started taking 500ml of organic Beetroot juice daily which is not ABP compliant…but the fact is that I’m having really good results..
Personally I don’t think new starters or those under 2 years into the “protocol” should take it..
When Goff Augustt told me about the Beetroot juice (brj) he also talked about removing all synthetics and chemicals plus certain foods, strict yes but not ABP strict, as it included some fruits and foods not on the protocol.
The dilemma I have is that after 5 weeks I feel great, actually better than I have for several years.
If I was asked by someone with MS I’d tell them to talk to Janet and follow the ABP exactly as its described, don’t deviate..
However, if I’m asked by an MS sufferer that’s been on the protocol for more than 2 years I’d say to do some research and make your own decision because I’m so surprised.
What I’m doing now is taking 250 ml brj daily at lunch and 2 x Beetroot capsules with my evening meal.
I know there’s lots of “evidence” about the possible negativities… but after 5 weeks all I’m seeing is serious positives..
As I have been told so many times its important to have an open mind, what was “told” to Ann Boroch back then was technically correct, but she ignored “correct” and “tried” something frowned upon by others “in the know” and that genuinely resulted in her healing her body.

As far as brj is concerned this isn’t me…I’m not breaking new ground in nutrition, I haven’t done endless nutritional research, I was told about this by someone that had had groundbreaking results..talk to Goff Augustt.
But what I did do is have an open mind, tried it myself and had results that have genuinely surprised and pleased me. I might be terribly wrong, I might find completely different results in a year or two.

What do I do?

Walk away from THJ, get thrown out as I’m not 100% compliant, and seeing a significant improvement with brj…
I’m torn…

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