Giving up…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I think most people reading my posts will know about my past, I don’t think my history has been worse or easier than anyone else but I’ll give a brief overview here.
Riding fast motorbikes and driving fast cars was definitely something that I enjoyed.
I’d also been very active as a sportsman, skydiving, hang gliding, mountain biking, rock climbing, scuba diving and I had my pilots licence.
My work primarily was in the I.T. industry but prior to returning to the UK I’d spent eleven years in the States where for four years I’d been a director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing.
So when I was officially diagnosed with MS seventeen years ago I initially thought ” oh well, this is a bummer, but I’ll do something to beat it”…
I didnt really understand the complexity of the disease or how difficult it would be to fight and battle against its never ending derogatory effects…
After many, many varying attempts with therapies and operations I started on the latest of what I hope will eventually enable me to actually live again.
The Ann Boroch Protocol has made a difference in my reasoning, of that there is no doubt.
The program is essentially designed to restore the body’s ability to function correctly after removing the toxicity created during the previous years.
My journey was, I thought going in the right direction, that was until a year ago when in my over confidence I had a fall, which in all honesty has kicked my butt.
Being limited by lockdown for everyone isn’t a nice thing, but in my case it’s in my bed for 23 hours everyday, the other hour has been spent in the bathroom, so I’m sure you can understand that my personal lockdown has been a nightmare..
I bought a small pedalling machine that is slowly improving my leg strength although at this time I still need help using it, but its helping me.
The title of this post is “giving up” which I’m sure anyone that has read my previous posts will be shocked and saddened to think the negative effects have eventually quashed my optimism..
But equally, everyone that’s ever read any of my posts will know that there are five hopes of me giving up…
Bob Hope…

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