Youre right…
Having multiple sclerosis is a pig, its depressing, its debilitating its frustrating and contrary to what most others think….its so humiliating… From my own point of view I was a very active man both physically and in business, I wasn’t mega successful in either but definitely more so than most.
So having in this hideous disease has significantly changed my life, not being able to physically do the most fundamental of things has limited my very desire to live… that is how I believe the majority of sufferers think. But I see things very differently, I have a very different view on life, as far as I’m concerned I’m faced with two options, option one is to accept the depressing negative opinion that MS is incurable, once you have it you can either take drugs that mask the problem, they fool your mind and body by stopping the symptoms from being recognised. That method is great short term but stronger and stronger drugs will only work for a limited time before they have no effect and the symptoms become so bad the individual goes from seeming okay to suffering really badly.
Option two… is the choice I’ve made, to be optimistic and to believe in myself, to believe in the ABP..the Ann Boroch Protocol was designed to identify and eliminate the foods that have caused this hideous disease.
Yes, I’ve had a fall that seriously damaged my knees which completely stopped me from walking, being bed bound since March last year has resulted in severe muscle atrophy in my legs.
But, as far as I’m concerned, this is just a road block which I have to get around or over or under but I will do it.
The way I see it is to either be negative to give up and accept the bad..
Or to think positive and genuinely beat it… I….you…have two options..think about it..
If you think you you will lose or if you think you will win..
Youre right..