How will it happen?….
When I look at my own personal situation now, its a world away from what it was….
I was fit and healthy, I was a very active man, much more so than the majority of people…
I truly believe that a person can achieve whatever they really want to…. nothing is impossible, obviously there are certain limitations in life such as location or finances or opportunity. But in the main most of those things can be overcome in time, you just have to make sacrifices or adjustments, look for alternatives, if something isn’t reachable or achievable one way, then try a different way or try harder, no excuses, no justification for not doing it…
Sixteen years ago my life changed completely, the organs in my body were all infected by a disease, not just a cold or flu, not just something that gave me an ache or pain for an hour or two or even a week, it wasnt a cut or bone break that would heal in a short period of time… no… this was something that all the so called medical experts in the world say is incurable…
What I was told… what the experts said to me was that the pain, weakness and limitations I was experiencing at that time were horrible.. depressing, life sucking… it sounded horrible to me especially as I was such an adrenaline junkie…
But then they told me that even though that that was completely opposite to how I’d lived for 49 years, that from then on it would keep getting worse, it would take away all my strength and inevitably my will to live….
At that time I didnt know what I know now, it was still 2 years before I’d meet Dr Hal Huggins, and 14 years before learning about the Ann Boroch Protocol.
But fortunately my attitude is one of optimism, I dont give in when things get hard, I say I dont like how things are so I need to go around the obstacle, or over it or under it, just keep trying and looking with an open mind.
It isn’t happening right this moment, or today or tomorrow, but it will happen…how?
By doing whatever it takes, even though its not easy or comfortable, for me to do what is considered to be impossible, I will do it because no-one can do this for me, so if I want things to be better it means that I have to do…..
Whatever is necessary…