Following a specific program such as the Ann Boroch protocol which has healed thousands, is a very specific and detailed change of life, I know from my 29 months so far that I’m on target to be symptom free with a “healed” body in a couple of years. I cant expect or believe I’ll be healed exactly after 4 years, everyone is different, from age now, age when they were diagnosed, lifestyle, how strictly they adhere to the plan and thousands of other variables.
A phrase I use quite frequently is “In the main” meaning overall I’m very happy about what I’m doing and the progress I’m making…
However…. over the last week I’ve experienced certain “issues” I hadn’t expected which during a few minutes of confusion had been quite worrying…
I’ve said before that I have a “hummingbird bladder” water tends to want to come out minutes after it goes in, obviously that in itself has been problematic, I’ve needed to drink at least 4.5 litres a day, so visits to the loo have been frequent, 25 times wasn’t unusual although it’s now down to 15…woohoo!! (Sarcasm).. I think it was last Monday that I needed a #2 first thing instead of my usual daily visit at 10.30… afterwards I felt ridiculously weak throughout my whole body.. That’s happened everyday since then..
Confusion and frustration had
been dominating my thoughts until Friday…Yesterday.. Now my thinking has taken a completely different tack, one that is actually pleasing me, I might be wrong but I dont think I am.
This disease is a hideous, devious, selfish, dont give a crap about anyone else but me thing and I believe it knows it’s on the losing team, it knows because I’m following the butt kicking ABP that its soon to be evicted from my body, so its kicking and screaming with a vengeance and desperately clinging on to whatever it can get its grubby claws into.
As I’ve said, I might be wrong, but I don’t think I am, I believe I’m on the verge of a major breakthrough, not complete healing of course but a big step in the right direction, I actually think this is the…
Calm before the storm