I can and…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I can and…
Firstly I must apologise for my misunderstanding yesterday, I made a comment about something I should have understood, but obviously I didnt..
Now… on to the main influence in our lives, that hideous disease that is sapping the life from millions of sufferers… multiple sclerosis.
Addressing it head on is far and away the best course of action, but sadly, very sadly the healthcare industry has morphed over the years into a Sickcare industry that manages symptoms instead of actually doing what they’re supposed to do, as in heal people. This travesty has come about simply because companies in the pharmaceutical industry have stumbled upon ways of making exorbitant profits by keeping people uninformed.
Think about it, do you know of any drug, masquerading as medicine that actually cures an illness or disease…. I can tell you now, there isnt, in fact it goes a whole lot further and gets much, much worse… Drugs treat symptoms and have dreadful side effects which perpetuate the problem……in fact they often add to it by convincing you there’s no hope. Go to the website of any over the counter or prescription drug and you’ll see a long list of all the possible side effects, these are real problems that happened to the initial testers..
I know the longer I think about these things the angrier I get, so I’ll move on…
I want you now to think about the books you’ve read or movies you’ve seen, in the main there’s a central character who has either been persecuted, dumped, tortured or subject to wrongful action. We feel for them and want them to get out of trouble or win their loved one back or kick the butt of the person or people that put them through terrible pain. We want them to win, to overcome and to succeed against all odds.
Well…. in order for me, for you, for everyone to succeed at the Ann Boroch Protocol we have to be like Ann, be like Janet, they aren’t stronger, it wasnt easier, they weren’t just lucky… but they were 100% focussed and committed and guess what…. that’s how I am…….Beating MS and being healthy is my goal, you have to believe, you have to have complete faith… I know…
I Can and I Will..

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