Firstly… Merry Christmas…
As we all know multiple sclerosis is an evil never give up, I’m going to make your life a misery type of disease… it’s a hard thing to accept for everyone when told that this so called incurable is resident in your body…I know when I was initially diagnosed back in February 2004 I was gutted. My thoughts revolved around “why me”… I was (am) a good person…ish.. so what had i done to deserve this… I’d not done anything bad, consciously. But i had been a two cans per day Diet Coke addict which was sweetened with aspartame which research has shown can mimic symptoms of ms.
Obviously my food intake, as the majority of people these days do, included foodstuffs that we know aren’t good. I’d also had various dental work such as root canals and amalgam fillings that all contribute to a compromised immune system.
Back to my post… over the last week or so I’ve felt a little weaker and more unstable than I normally do, now that could be unusually higher “die off” or simply that I’ve eaten off protocol which I’m not aware of, or it could be not moving about as much. That seems the most likely to me at this time.
The muscle atrophy is such a dominant symptom of MS and fighting against that particular debilitating symptom is extremely difficult in a multitude of ways…but as I’ve said on numerous occasions, beating the unbeatable (supposedly) is not an easy thing to do. I’ve also said giving up and letting this shitbag (excuse me) best me, is not an option, which leads me to one conclusion… in order to win (which I will) I have to get out of my
Comfort Zone