R, R and R
I absolutely believe in the Ann Boroch Protocol as a way of healing the body, which in turn removes the disease, what she did was find a way of healing the body regardless of the specific disease, I know multiple sclerosis was the original reason and that’s the case for the majority of readers, but as I said, this really applies to most health issues, especially the ones the drug pushers proclaim to be incurable. I think governments around the world should enforce a law that big pharma, a.k.a. The pharmaceutical industry, a.k.a.drug pushers, a.k.a. evil pariahs…. Should reclassify the diseases they call Incurable as “diseases we want to rob you blind” or ones “we have no intention of curing”..
Can you tell from my posts that I “hate” these people, there I go again “ranting”about those companies that are genuinely only interested in helping mankind….hopefully you’ve realized that “they” have only one priority……profit..
So getting back to genuine healing as opposed to treating symptoms, the ABP is straight forward, it simply addresses the causes, the instigators of the cumulative problems that are grouped together and called multiple sclerosis…
The protocol requires you to abstain from certain foods and adding specific supplements to enable the body to do what it’s designed to do…. Heal itself…
The evil pariahs, oops, sorry, the pharmaceutical industry don’t make money by healing a disease, so what they do is spend millions on creating drugs that ease or mask a symptom which creates a never ending supply of customers and billions and billions in profit.
The protocol was created very specifically to “heal”….In order to do this there are lots of individual cells, 37 trillion, that need fixing.
The title of this post is R, R and R..
Rest… Regeneration and Repair