
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

To a certain extent I can sympathize with the medical profession when it comes to dealing with patients that have multiple sclerosis because I know they want to help but their medical training has brainwashed them into believing those with this disease are sliding down a slippery slope with no chance of true recovery.
They aren’t stupid heartless people, far from it, they genuinely want to help and they honestly believe they are doing the best that’s possible.
Sadly that’s not true, because myself and thousands of others know differently, why? Because the Ann Boroch protocol has changed the lives of a large number who’ve been strong enough to persist in following this life changing program.
The protocol isn’t a “just do this”, and everything will be easy to fix, no, not at all…. Multiple sclerosis is a very difficult, sneaky, conniving beast, the 37 trillion cells that make your body have all been contaminated, they all communicate with each other. When you understand that this vast quantity are being “healed” at a rate of millions each day it makes sense that it takes years (4) to fully heal.
When done perfectly, which is nigh on impossible, the cells are healing at around 25 million each day, diversifying or slipping from the protocol obviously re-contaminates a portion which sets you back a bit. That happened to me recently, but that was only a temporary set back.
I don’t know this for certain but my thoughts are that as we move forward and experience improvements, the devious disease doesn’t want to let go, it’s found a great place to live, as in our body, so realizing this will kick and scream and cling onto anything and everything it can causing as much of a problem as possible, we know this as Die off…
Again, in my opinion, D.O. Isn’t a one off thing, it will happen at numerous stages, often when you are thinking that all is going well, then out of the blue it hits you like a lightning bolt but can disappear just as quickly, that happened to me Monday afternoon, but as I’m writing which is 11.30pm I’m feeling great again.
So, we know the disease is hideous, we know the ABP isn’t easy, but we also know it works, and very importantly in my case, I know I’m back on track and heading..
In the right direction

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