
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I started on the Ann Boroch protocol in September 2017 because I honestly believed I wanted to be healthy again, do I think I’m better or more deserving than the millions of other MS sufferers?…. No… But in reality no-one deserves to suffer with this hideous disease.
So when I read “Healing multiple sclerosis” I just knew I’d have to try my best, actually that’s not true, I knew I had to do it, not try, to try is always giving yourself the option of giving up because it was just too hard.
Nothing good or great or fantastic is easy to achieve , if it was then no-one in the world would have a disease and everyone would be healthy and fantastically wealthy.
As an aside note, I have the greatest respect for the medical profession per se, it’s the pariahs known as big Pharma that are ruining lives, there’s me ranting and getting distracted.
As anyone on the ABP knows the first few months are hard, and I’m sure the majority of those that gave up, did so during the first three months, because after that it’s so much easier and so rewarding as the improvements happen.
Regardless of the speed junkie, thrill seeking lifestyle I had before the worst symptoms of MS started, I absolutely believe that restoring health is definitely achievable if you’re willing to do what’s necessary and if being healthy means enough.
It does mean enough to me, I will do what’s necessary and I Will once again be healthy, how do I know, because my name is Stefan and I don’t give up,
That’s Why

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