Who are you..
We all have choices in our life, some have no bearing or real influence on the big picture, as in whether we live or die, admittedly there are many people that chose to drink or smoke in moderation, not the same for addicts that refuse to go without for a minimal period, their choice.
In my “pre MS” life, I lived a very active life, I’ll not go into depth again but general fitness was a pre requisite to enable me to skydive, scuba dive, mountain biking, rock climbing and flying small planes and hang gliders… So road running and the gym were my second homes.
When I was diagnosed with MS in February of 2004 I was devastated and initially felt so disheartened and depressed, but that period lasted no more than a couple of weeks. At the time I was married, we’d sold our house and staying with close friends while our new house was being built. This was happening only two years after I’d moved from England to Colorado in the USA. As I’m sure you can understand these changes in my life were all having a significant impact on me.
I was working in the computer software industry which was also very demanding and stressful, so when the opportunity to work as the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins who was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing came up I was very excited. He himself had MS and was keeping the symptoms at bay using his knowledge in both the previously mentioned.
Over a nearly four year period I learnt a great deal and like him, kept the worst of the symptoms at bay, but in mid 2011 things became very bad for me, I think because of stress primarily I was no longer able to function as was necessary and lost my job.
By the end of 2012 I returned to England, I continued with what I believed to be the best way forward, no drugs or medicine, just supplements and good nutrition. Then I was told about Ann Boroch and the protocol that healed her.
I’ve been following the ABP for just over 22 months and am 100% certain that my complete recovery will happen in give or take a few months of four years.. it’s not a quick fix or temporary solution, it’s a hard and strict dietary program that require dedication, determination, focus and belief. Some people think they have what it takes but for whatever reason, some justifiably so, have to stop.
In my case, stopping is never going to happen, I’m a proud, determined, stubborn man, I like what I’ve done in the past, I’m proud that I was in the Guinness book of records between 1989 and 19997. I’ve made a commitment, I’ve made a promise to myself that I will be road running again, admittedly it won’t be as fast as I did before, but it will happen. So, my fellow sufferers, ask yourself the question… Who are you…in my case, as Sammy Davis Jr said..
“I gotta be me