Accept it or not…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Accept it or not..
We’ve all seen a movie or read a book that includes a loved one or close friend who’s life is being ruined through drugs, for one reason or another what initially appeared to be a very pleasurable excursion has now become a “must have” regardless of the cost physically or emotionally.
One of the main characters in the scenario tries their best to break the “need” by depriving the sufferer, going “cold turkey” isn’t the easiest thing to do, it doesn’t always work, there has to be an understanding that although it’s damn hard, it’s probably the best things, long term.
This example doesn’t just apply to taking drugs, it might be alcohol or food or a person, a lover or friend. Whatever it is, is often not seen as a problem by the person suffering, but from the outside it’s blatantly obvious and it’s of paramount importance that it’s dealt with sooner rather than later.
Trying to find a modicum of pleasure when going through a difficult time is very easy to justify…. “I’m going through hell right now, so doing or having this or that is my only pleasure” that may well be true but it probably isn’t the best thing when looking at the big picture. In fact there’s a strong likelihood it’s only perpetuating the problem.
Take MS for instance, we have pain 24/7, we have mobility problems, our joints ache, our arms hands, fingers don’t work properly, our strength is depleting fast, muscle atrophy is common, so if this is happening, if our life is worsening daily and the desire to fading, why is having a little bit of pleasure by eating something nice so wrong.
I’ll tell you why…. Because the bad things don’t need to happen, how can they be stopped? knowing that the so called experts insist on the complete opposite. It can be prevented quite easily, okay, it’s not easy per se, it is in theory but quite hard in practice.
I would never advocate trying to change things in one go, it’s too hard and unlikely to succeed. The genuine and proven thousands of times method to eliminate the offenders and restoring health for those like me suffering from multiple sclerosis is called the Ann Boroch Protocol or the ABP.
A four year protocol, developed by Ann Boroch who healed herself, it doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen…
By removing the bad, you can restore the good..
As I said, this doesn’t only apply to foods or drinks, they might well taste good, they might seem to you as a “must have”, but they aren’t, accept it or not, they’re just an addiction

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