Easy done…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Easy done…
Some experts say that the controller of the human body is the brain, others say it’s the gut and the immune system, I’m not qualified or arrogant enough to dispute or argue for or against either or another school of thought. But I do acknowledge both are infinitely complex and can effect our functionality in a negative or positive way, not in a heartbeat or the blink of an eye but in a nanosecond…think about that… nanosecond, one thousand-millionth of a second…
In the brain there are between 100 trillion and 1000 trillion synapses between neurons that form neural networks… So every thought, action, and reaction to foods, drinks or anything put into the body creates or alters the neurons and neural networks… mind blowing..
So a food stuff eaten today is more than likely going to create a different and potentially harmful neural network to what appeared to be the same food eaten yesterday, why? because not just millions or billions but trillions of things have happened in the labyrinth we call our body.
Why am I saying this? because although I feel so positive about my progress through following the ABP, things can change if we are complacent, Kay one of my two favourite carers, cooked me a lovely meal on Wednesday made with compliant foods, initially I felt great but as I was about halfway through eating, I noticed I was feeling a little weak. So as Kay was still there I decided to try and get to my bed, lucky for me as my legs wouldn’t move properly, which was quite frightening. With the help of two carers I managed to get to my bed then drank lots of water and took a couple of activated charcoal capsules.
So my point is that even at this stage in my healing journey, that foods I thought were acceptable can create a disturbance to the myriad of neuron synapses and neural network that disrupt the healing process I believed was well established….
The lesson to be earned: Take nothing for granted…. Because messing this up is…
Easy done.

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