Closer and…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Closer and….
The Ann Boroch Protocol is a forty eight month plan to health, forty eight months give or take an undefined period plus or minus depending on a multitude of things, a participant, me in this case might well indulge in non compliant foods or experience things that disturb one’s emotional balance. In reality there must be hundreds or potentially thousands of things that might jeopardize the goal. I think that I’m compliant on the food front although I’ve managed through lots of experimenting to find what appears to be a limited but perfectly acceptable diet. I’m at the point where I’m happy with the foods I eat, I’m never yearning for the taste of non compliant junk that would knock me off the strict but very rewarding plan.
The improvements are very subtle and could easily be ignored in the grand scheme of things, I’ve managed to condition myself into accepting this is a protocol that will succeed in time, in four years, so being twenty one months into a forty eight month-ish plan is still less than half way.
Will I or anyone else stay sick and suffering right up to month 47 then miraculously transform into a healthy person?…. I don’t think so, my guess is that I will experience less and less of the debilitating symptoms as the months pass. That being the case it’s so easy to become complacent, to not necessarily recognize or mentally acknowledge what IS happening.
I’ve been going through a physical and mental disruption over the past week or so, knowing the builders would be in my home converting the bathroom prior to them starting then last week having up to four guys making significant changes to my daily procedures, definitely off putting. Today however will be the last day, they’ve already done an incredible job, today will result in finishing everything, I’ll have my bathroom back and all their tools will go and my home will be mine again.
Getting back to the ABP and it’s progress, the small subtle improvements are happening, of that I have no doubt and over the weekend I genuinely noticed changes that might seem inconsequential but are making me very happy. Twenty one is still less than halfway into the forty eight month plan, I’ve still a very long way to go, but…. I’m on track and I know I’m getting closer and closer

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