How much….
Being sick is a pain in the ass…. it really is, I really think that the majority of people have absolutely no idea of the deepest intricate meaning of how multiple sclerosis completely changes your life, my life….. I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed but I am… I didn’t get MS because I was a thieving, cheating, uncaring, belligerent git, it just happened and instead of being the proud physically active guy, I’m now so dependant on others….. I hate it and at this time there’s no rhyme or reason as to why someone gets it, initially as I’m sure you can imagine I felt hard done by, after diagnosis which was only two years after moving to America and getting married, I genuinely thought “why me”…
Anyway, that’s all in the past and nothing to do with my attitude and feelings now, a month after diagnosis I decided that I would not let the disease beat me so I started researching for natural ways of healing my body and eliminating MS even though all the doctors and neurologists said it was an impossible thing to do.
I’m reasonably confident in saying that since that dreaded day in February 2004 I’ve tried at least 75 things, some have helped a little but very sadly most did bugger all.
That was until August 2017 when I read a book called “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch.. reading it totally blew me away and honestly filled me with genuine hope and inspiration. I started on the life changing protocol in September 2017 which means I’m just about to complete my 21st month and I know…. absolutely 100% know that I will be healthy and MS free again, I can’t be sure of the specific time but I know it will happen.
I’m not better or stronger than anyone else… but I do know I want this more than anything else. I want to be healthy and be able to truly live again, it’s more important than eating or drinking something tasty or going out on the town or going shopping, they’re just distractions, they aren’t important and they certainly don’t help my long term goal…
The Ann Boroch Protocol is difficult to start, in fact the first year isn’t easy, but it’s achievable and the gradual improvements are so freaking good. I’ve said before, the question to ask yourself, not friends or relatives, just you, it comes down to one thing.. Just one..
How much do you want it…