Butter versus Margarine
From a health standpoint, there is an enormous difference between eating butter and margarine. The only reason to choose margarine would be that you actually prefer the taste to that of butter, and budget is limited. If you don’t want to eat butter for whatever reason, don’t make it worse by eating margarine. With margarine you are just adding one more toxic factor into your bodily environment-a factor that could easily be avoided.
When viewed under a microscope margarine is very close to plastic in its composition, so would you spread plastic on your bread, I don’t think so.
If you were to leave a tub of margarine and a tub of butter in your garden for a few days, what you’d find is that all the butter had been consumed by insects and animals. Whereas the margarine would be untouched even animals and insects wouldn’t touch it.
So I ask you to look differently at the ad’s promoting the plastic they want you to believe is edible, ok yes it is edible but it’s certainly not healthy.
Even though butter should never be avoided due to its cholesterol content, its effect on cholesterol levels cannot be understood independent of one’s toxin levels. When patients underwent the removal of dental toxicity, their elevated cholesterol levels would routinely drop in spite of the fact that they were being encouraged to eat as much butter and as many eggs on a daily basis as they desired. Cholesterol-laden foods raise the blood cholesterol levels only when toxins are present that need neutralization or inactivation.
In his impressive book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Dr Weston A Price D.D.S. repeatedly made the same correlations between choice of foods and maintenance(or recovery) of healthy.
The inclusion of modern processed foods of the “civilized” populations of the world, refined sugar and white flour, consistently destroyed the dental and general health of a wide variety of isolated populations that Dr. Price studied in the early 1930’s. Dr. Price personally observed the eating habits and health of fourteen isolated groups of people in Switzerland, Africa, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia and North America. He found that simple, unrefined foods sustained health. Raw butter and other raw dairy foods produced from properly raised cows and goats would often single handedly reverse advanced diseases in the individuals who were able to quite eating sugar and white flour. It should be noted that Dr. Price never observed total vegetarianism among any of the healthy groups, although they all ate meat far less frequently than most Americans do today.
Margarine is a creation of the scientific laboratory, really bears no resemblance to butter, except in appearance. And this appearance is due to the yellow dye that is added to the white margarine to convince consumers that they really are consuming legitimate substitute for butter. Incredibly in the 1930’s, margarine was actually sold with a packet of yellow dye that the consumer could mix in with the margarine to complete the butter masquerade. Today’s margarines are commonly based on a number of cheap oils, including soybean, corn canola and cottonseed oils. These oils typically have had all the nutrient value extracted or processed out of them. Nearly all the protein, minerals, lecithin and other desirable natural components have been removed. Most of the vitamins are also gone.
To make matters worse, the oil that is used to make margarine is first typically hydrogenated to turn in from a liquid into a solid, forming many toxic substances in the process. Margarine then ends up with a large amount of what is known as trans-Fatty acids in them. These trans-fatty acids have been associated with increased disease and compromise the cardiovascular system, immune system and reproductive system.
Butter, when it comes from a quality source, maintains a high food value. Even when coming from pasteurized cream, butter still maintains a positive food value. In sharp contrast to pasteurized milk and other pasteurized products. Perhaps an additional benefit of butte that is less recognized is that its increased use in cooking also keeps us consuming less of the toxically produced and commonly consumed seed and vegetable oils.
While this may be a bit of an oversimplification, I maintain that limiting yourself to oil and butter in your cooking is the healthy way to go. Few other readily readily available oils are without some degree of toxicity. Remember that margarine is at least one source of toxicity that you can easily eliminate from your daily diet.
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