If we want it…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

If we want it…..
Isn’t it so unfair how some people just get to be great at what they do, especially those people that became champions, one day they just appeared in the headlines on the newspapers and TV channels, they’d just gone from an unknown, a nobody… into being the best at the sport or chosen career….. So bloody unfair. There’s this lucky geezer making millions and living the life of Riley…. and then there’s me and others like me suffering with a horrible disease that’s making my existence nigh on unbearable and managing on disability benefits… what a crock of ####…
Okay let’s just stop a minute…. that description might be the way certain people think…. it’s certainly not mine, I want to clarify that straight away…. but I do think there are others thinking that way, it’s a view and opinion that has to change…. those sportsmen and women that are seen to be really successful didn’t just “happen”… they made the choice to be the best and regardless of the difficulties, the sacrifices, the times they couldn’t indulge and party with friends, they did what was necessary to become what they wanted.
Their goal, what they really wanted is no different to what any of us want.. Okay we don’t get the money and adoration from others but what we can get is worth so much more… we can get the most important thing ever !!!! we get to have Life. !!!
How is this possible? By doing what’s necessary, by ignoring the pain, the difficulty and sacrifice, it’s not easy, it’s bloody hard especially during the early stages but it gets easier, I’m not there yet but “The road less travelled” is so worth it…
To a healthy person, what I’m experiencing might seem inconsequential, but trust me when I say, feeling as I do, which is great compared to 20 months ago is sooooo good.
My goal is more important to me than riches and fame… my goal is to live again not to just exist… I will get there, you will get there… if we want it enough.

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