But it will…
As each new month starts there are people starting on the ABP, just as I did and the thousands before me, I’m sure some will be sceptical and have doubts but have chosen to give it a try at least for a few weeks, and then there’ll be others with the same opinion I had, which was believing 100% and making the necessary commitment to see it through. Maybe I’m just bloody minded, I read the book and was… am in absolute awe of what Ann Boroch did, so regardless of the difficulties created during the first couple of months, I knew I had to persevere… I think it was probably six or seven weeks before the one or two good then bad day cycle extended into much longer good day periods. Having a bad day followed by ten or eleven good days was like winning the lottery. At that time the good days weren’t any better than good days prior to starting, but massively better than the bad I’d been experiencing. Starting the protocol puts the body through some extremes, but they’re necessary in order to expel the toxins that had accumulated over many years.
Most reading this post will have seen several others I’ve written and possibly seen the short videos that I’ve done this year, so you’ll know I’ve been 20 plus months on the ABP, I have occasional tough times, not days but just hours and they are very infrequent, it only happens if I’ve eaten something I shouldn’t, I get annoyed with myself because I should know better.
I try to put everything I do, my actions and results into perspective, I’m eating foods I’ve grown to like, I take about 50 individual supplements each day. This isn’t a hardship by any stretch of the imagination. The ABP works but it takes time, four years or more to be fully healed, so understanding that, letting that sink in properly means that the good and bad are just stepping stones along this special journey.
Imagine you have a wheelbarrow heaped full of sand, that’s day one, you’re told that you must empty it, it’s been bolted to the floor so it can’t be tipped. The prize for emptying it is that you’ll have your life back, in my book that’s way better than winning the jackpot on the lottery, that is an incredible prize, the only problem is that you have to do it with a teaspoon… difficult, frustrating yes, it will take time, dedication, commitment and absolute faith.
But it will happen…