Why I…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Why I…..
One of my few visitors was sympathizing with me yesterday when we were talking about health, he referred to a drinking buddy of his that had MS, his started only four or five years ago. He was quite shocked that although I’ve had it for three times longer that I was in a far better condition than him. His first thoughts were that I was on a better medication than him, his second was that I’m just lucky and that his friend just had a more serious strain of the disease, he was staggered that my condition had nothing to do with any medication or drug, actually that’s not true because it has an awful lot to to with it, my positive condition is partially because I don’t allow any of the long term debilitating drugs to enter my body also that I’m very strict about the foods I do and don’t eat.
Getting back to his sympathy for me, I explained that I didn’t need sympathy although consideration is always appreciated, what I’m doing is saving my life…. in order to accomplish my goal I have to be strong mentally, I have to be disciplined, I have to do what I know is right.
The terms incurable and impossible, are terms used by the so called medical experts that refuse to look at the true cause, instead they have mistakenly attempted to cure the many individual symptoms of multiple sclerosis. In this case they’re right… the symptoms of MS can’t be cured…. it is incurable….
However….. what I’m doing is what Ann Boroch did, I’m healing my body which has been damaged by the multiple symptoms that combined are called multiple sclerosis.
I’m not better than anyone else, I’m not stronger, I’m not luckier, I’m just determined and I want this more than I’ve wanted anything in my life… that my friends is….
Why I am healing

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