Okay, yes I am…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Okay, yes I am…
Looking back I think I may have given the wrong impression yesterday, the progress I’m making by following this protocol and using my extras is nothing short of amazing…. I think that by trying to stem my enthusiasm isn’t the best path to follow. Mentally and emotionally I really feel so positive and optimistic, obviously from a physical standpoint I’m not able to walk although moving about while holding handrails etc is so much easier that I’m so tempted daily to try moving unaided.
Using my common sense I know I shouldn’t even try just yet and risk really hurting myself so at this time at least I’ll just keep doing what I know is right.
I’m not special, I’m not lucky, I’m just doing what’s right, I’m eating what’s allowed and more importantly, not eating what’s wrong.
The thing is, doing what’s right is difficult to start but will always help, in time…doing what’s wrong, as in taking prescription drugs affects you immediately of course but will have long term debilitating side effects…… read that again…
Good foods help in everything to do with your body but it takes time …. doing things right will make a permanent difference as opposed to chemicals and synthetics which make a difference immediately, but only…. yes only temporarily…
Anyone reading this, be it non AB-ers, newbies or graduates, be strong mentally, ignore the demanding tastebuds, change your desires, it may well have tasted great but that was more than likely because of additives, E numbers and GMO’s none of which are good for you.
Getting back to the title of this post..Okay yes I’m am very, very optimistic.

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