Nice memories…
The Stefan of old, hmmm sounds like a medieval title… lol…. no, what I’m referring to is the me, prior to MS…. that me was very active, it was normal to be road running four or five times per week or on a 15 or 20 mile cross country ride on my mountain bike, these things in addition to visits to the gym. I wasn’t ultra fit but I was very fit, much more so that most people. Now please understand that what I did was simply because I wanted it, I enjoyed being fit, it didn’t make me any better a person than those who enjoyed being a couch potato, it just meant I was different.
The point of this post is that by adhering…. yes Adhering… not looking at or trying it… but really following the ABP, understanding the truly magnificent thing Ann Boroch did in developing a dietary and supplemental method that healed herself of what the world of medicine had claimed to me impossible was and is monumental. What I’m doing is sticking to her recommendations, admittedly I don’t eat all the variations because there are foods that don’t appeal to me. I do however only eat foods that are on the list of acceptable foods, some only after three months of conditioning the diseased body. If you read her books you’ll understand that the first two aims are to remove foods the body doesn’t need and replace them with foods the body absolutely does need..
I’m not unique or special, far from it but I am doing it properly because I really want to return to the Stefan of old, obviously I’m older and never going to be as fit as I was but as I’m moving forward and trying to physically exert myself, I’m feeling pains and aches in my thighs, shoulders and biceps that are reminiscent of younger days… it’s strange to think of aches and pains in a positive way, but in all honesty it’s reinforcing the belief I’m doing the so called impossible….I’m trying to do what Ann did, what Janet has done and thousands of others… the aches and pain are nice memories…