Because this….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Because this…..
I’m sure there are many people starting out on the Ann Boroch Protocol that have baked a sponge cake many, many times…. Okay bear with me, there is a point to this…. if you look at a recipe for making a simple sponge cake such as a Victoria sponge you’ll see there are many specifics that absolutely must be adhered to. Just the basics like pre warming the oven, greasing the baking tins and making sure you have the correct oven temperature are just three of the many that must be followed if you don’t want your sponge to sag in the middle.
I was looking earlier at the most common mistakes made by, not just “first timers” but others that haven’t made one for a few years. So how many common mistakes are made when it’s not just a Victoria sponge, what about a special birthday cake, covered in icing sugar or the filling isn’t just strawberry jam and cream..
I remember my first one when I was trying to impress the first of my three ex wives (not proud of that), I hadn’t let the sponges cool long enough so when assembled then covered in icing sugar, the topping just melted and ran down the sides, not a nice sight.
As I said, there is a point to this….. there are a multitude of simple basic errors that are very easy to make when just baking a sponge cake…
My point !!!!! It’s likely that you probably have MS if you’re reading this, also that you’re either doing it now or are considering starting the ABP…the Ann Boroch Protocol. There’s a 99.9% chance you’ve not done it before so please, please read then re-read her books until you genuinely understand how she successfully Healed herself…..please note I wrote Healed not the five letter word beginning with “C”…
So we know that there are many ways to mess up when baking a cake so trust me and others successfully following this protocol, it’s not easy in that the first two months, it will be tough, you’ll doubt yourself many times… if it was just a case of taking a pill, not drinking alcohol, getting plenty of sleep then everyone with MS would be healed but that’s not the case…this is a way of getting your life back if you adhere to her recommendations and understand this isn’t a piece of cake, it isn’t some”fad quick fix” and there’s a multitude of possible errors we all make, so be strong, be diligent, focused and have faith, because this works….

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