Lifestyle change…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Lifestyle change…

When I was originally diagnosed with MS I was living and working in Denver, Colorado two years after I’d made what I believed was a lifelong commitment, I’d moved from England and married an American woman, so receiving that news was depressing to say the least. I’d been a very active man for twenty five years so hearing the news from who I thought of as experts put a whole new perspective on life. What I was told by these people was that my life was going to change, I would become wheelchair bound in a matter of years, I’d no longer be able to financially or physically support myself and I should mentally prepare myself for what I perceived to be a life not worth living. You can imagine the response from “The Expert” the neurologist when I categorically refused to take the medicine he was prescribing, he said he was offended, he called me stupid and stated that his prognosis wouldn’t happen in years….. by not taking the drugs it would happen in months.
I left the hospital with my wife who was also adamant that I was being ridiculous thinking that I knew better than the doctors who’d studied medicine for years, I think this was the start of the collapse of my marriage. The attitude of most people is that if you are unwell then “just take a pill”, that was definitely the way of the woman I was married to and her family, so I was under a lot of pressure as I’m sure you can imagine. Having had a very physically active and adrenaline junkie exhilarating life I just couldn’t accept it was over so I set about learning more about the natural non pharmaceutical possibilities.
Considering what I was told would happen in six months if I didn’t take the medication I think I’ve done pretty well, 15 years later I’m not in a wheelchair, admittedly I can’t walk unaided and have to lean on furniture and walls, but I think I’m doing well.
Now the explanation to follow is 100% true, I have absolutely nothing to gain in anyway shape or form from any person, company, organisation or group, I’m telling you what I’m doing because I truly hope I can help others. If some misguided, depressed, prefer to stay sick people chose to complain, slag me off or dispute my words then that’s their opinion and they should keep it to themselves, I’m telling the truth.
There are simple facts, not opinions that should be considered, ask a doctor, a medical professional, look at the big pharma website and they will state that drugs treat symptoms and no more.
I’ve never taken any medicine or pharmaceutical drug to treat my MS, what I have done is assist my body to heal itself, I’ve done this by adding good nutrients and removing synthetic and chemical additives. I’m not a doctor or PhD or specialist, I don’t know or profess to know the specifics of how good nutrition works to correct the impurities in our body, but I do know it does work and after 17 months of following the guidance of someone that did know, I’m very, very happy I did.
The effects of the ABP have undoubtedly proven to me that this is was the right path to follow and that taking the mega dose of Lipospheric Vit C has improved and speeded up what’s happening, I’m getting better.
Contrary to what the naysayers insist on spouting about, I’m having very positive improvements by sticking 100% to the Ann Boroch Protocol, this is not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle change…..

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