Moved forward…
As I’m only a day away from the two week mark of taking the Lipospheric Vit C daily mega dose, in some ways I’m a little …. confused, isn’t the right word, but whatever it is I feel, I know for sure I’m happy about the physical and mental effect it’s having.
There’s no doubt in my mind that the bulk of what’s happened to me is because of the ABP and the Lipospheric Vit C is enhancing it, if the progress I’ve experienced in the first two weeks is replicated in the next two, I’m going to be so happy.
Anyone reading this that also has MS will be able to relate to my words more so than those that don’t, the everyday things like standing and moving about that are painful and extremely difficult to do, all seem to be not just a little easier but significantly easier, so much so that I have to stop myself from taking risks..
I’m able to do things that two weeks ago were really awkward, things I’d fumble are now easier and no longer a challenge.
At this time, halfway through the month commitment I made, my thoughts are that I will continue next month, albeit only four not seven sachets per day providing there’s no detrimental effect by the reduction.
As I’ve mentioned before, confirming the actions and positive attitude of Ann Boroch is of paramount importance in succeeding.
What really disgusts me is comments by the pharmaceutical pariahs and their drug infested lobbyists, contrary to them, I believe that following and adhering to the natural way is the way to live and not just exist.
The ABP is my life, taking the Lipospheric Vit C has enhanced it, so much so that myself and those around me like my carers and family all know that I’ve moved forward.