A week….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

A week.
On Tuesday New Years day I started what I said would be a months trial of daily mega dosing Lipospheric Vit C, so I’ve completed 7 days so far and I only have positive things to say about it to date. In all honesty I’m happy about using myself as a guinea pig, I have a history of being a user of Lipospheric Vit C from its initial creation so I felt confident that I would have a positive response, although there was a very slight concern simply because I’d not heard or read of an MS sufferer doing this specifically as I’m doing. Dr Thomas Levy has done some really detailed research and has shown some great documented results but not in this exact way and not for multiple sclerosis so all I’m going on is my belief, not proof. However…. I’m pleased about what’s happening, obviously I haven’t had a miraculous change, but I do feel better, my stability is improving, my recovery from exertion is better, quicker, I’m noticing a variety of improvements in finger/hand dexterity and my toes… I’m taking three grams during the morning and four in the afternoon and evening. Initially I was taking them 3 1/2 hours apart but for the last couple of days it’s been a two hour gap between them, so it’s been starting at 9 a.m. through to 9 p.m..
I know I’m repeating myself but I don’t want any misunderstanding, unlike any other form of vitamin c, the Lipospheric is absorbed in the small intestine so has the same effect as 8.25 grams, this means a daily intake of 57.75 grams. The commitment I’ve made is to follow the ABP for life and I believe by doing that I will be healed, I’ve also made a commitment to myself to take this mega dose of Lipospheric Vit C which I believe will improve the effects and I’m happy about it so far and it’s only been one week.
I want to emphasize this, please, please, please, do not jump into this blindly, watch what happens to me for a month, by which time I’m sure all the positives and any negative effects will be seen.

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