Nothing will change…
I consider myself to be a very lucky person in so many ways, yes I’ve had multiple sclerosis for almost fifteen years which in all honesty changed my life dramatically, to go from an extremely active adrenaline junkie type of guy to how I am now is very different and hard to deal with, but knowing what I already knew and what I’ve since learned makes me a very lucky man.
During the many years I worked for Dr Hal Huggins in Colorado, I met or talked with or learned of some incredible people, I’ll not name drop to boast or show off but I will talk of Dr Frederick Klenner who amongst other things was revered for his Vit C therapy. A patient with encephalitis was dismissed and thought would die in a couple of days so was moved into a hospice bed until the late Dr Klenner treated him with 5,000 mg of Vit C administered intravenously three times per day for three days. Incredibly he left the hospital on day four and returned to work on day five….
Why isn’t this therapy used more frequently now you ask… mainly because the pharmaceutical industry who can’t make serious profit from it have done all they can for the past twenty five years to belittle and discredit it.
Anyway I’ve had a lot of association with IV.C through my time with Dr Huggins and the many dentists and doctors I knew. I also met and talked several times with Dr Thomas E Levy, JD, MD who was a co-creator of lypo spheric Vit C which is absorbed in the small intestine instead of progressively losing its efficacy as regular oral Vit c is by going through five different stages before being absorbed.
I’ve decided to put my money where my mouth is, in that I have so much confidence in it that I’ve forked out nearly £300 for enough of it to mega dose everyday for a month starting January 1st….
As I said because it’s absorbed in the small intestine, one gram is equal to 8.25 grams absorbed orally and I’ll be having 6 grams of lypospheric during the day which is the equivalent of 49,500 mg per day for 30 days.
I’ll post ever other day with an honest update, nothing will change with my ABP foods or supplements.