Their choice….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Their own choice….
Over the past 16 months my posts have been mainly about my specific progress in the ABP, there have been two articles that I wrote prior to yesterday that digressed, today’s will also be dental related with a strong connection to health, obviously it’ll be the last of its kind this year.
The methods and materials used were considered safe when they were created, but time, further research and absolute proof has shown so much to be not just unsafe but downright dangerous.
I’ll briefly cover the following: anagrams, root canals, implants and cavitations..
I covered amalgam yesterday so now it’s the other three.
A dentist will recommend a root canal for two reasons, the second primarily relates to the U.S. not here so much, at least I can’t be certain as I’ve been away from the industry since I returned to England six years ago.
Reason one is that the damage or decay to the tooth is beyond acceptable repair, reason two is that it generates around $1,000 for 25 minutes work, big business in the U.S..
The dentist will drill through the enamel then the dentin tubules onto the root, which is removed, it’s the filled with a warm wax like substance called gutta percha. The replacement tooth or cover attached to a post is inserted.
The positive side is that the tooth looks great, the negatives are that the tooth is dead, as the gutta percha cools, it shrinks leaving a void which is now a breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria that thrive in that airless pocket. The bacteria is more toxic than botulism or tetanus so needless to say anything about the potential damage to your health.
All I’ll say about implants is that one of the biggest lies ever told is that stainless steel (Nickel) and titanium are perfectly healthy… anything implanted in the body… anything alien to a human will be rejected and create problems. The immune system looks for invaders, it searches for anything unnatural, everything natural to your own body carries a signal that it’s friendly, it’s called a major histocompatibility complex, an MHC.. if it’s not there, one of the five levels of the immune system will attack.
Cavitations, you’ll probably find that 75% of dentists deny the existence of cavitations, in fact they’d say there was no such thing, that attitude scares the life out of me because they are one of the main reasons that so many people are sick…
Okay I’ll explain why, all adult teeth are held in place by periodontal ligaments, there are six different types, thousands of them, some grow from the tooth while others from the bone, they’re like a shock absorber cushioning the impact of chewing. So, when a tooth is extracted, most of the ligament from the tooth comes out with it, but lots growing from the bone stay attached. The dentist will clean the area obviously, but in 90% of the cases some ligament remain, basically what happens is that over time, months or years, because ligament is no longer present at the top of the socket the body knows the tooth has gone and bone will proceed to grow, but at the base where ligament is still attached the body believes the tooth is still there… an airless pocket is created, a cavitation and the same problem as with root canals happens, anaerobic bacteria, the same type that grow in the absence of air and more toxic than botulism or tetanus will thrive. Because a cavitation isn’t obvious from normal sight it’s not known to most dentists and only seen by x-ray if the dentist has been trained to do so. The sad thing is that there’s probably only 1% of dentists worldwide that actually understand what a cavitation is.
The majority of information explain in these two posts is known by the dental authorities, like the A.D.A. in America and B.D.A. the UK and most dentists, apart from cavitations of course for the past 25 years. However, most dentists are prohibited to reveal this now as there would be an even bigger law suit than the one with the tobacco industry, but at the end of the day, revealing that information or not is their own choice.
All this and a more detailed explanation can be found in my first book in THJ files.. “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health”.

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